Wednesday, March 20, 2013

School girls, Sinatra and Cthulhu... This is NOT a conspiracy post

I feel sorry for people who don't drink.
When they wake up in the morning, that's as good as they're going to feel all day.

News: Well, I’m sitting on some movie news but I don’t want to say too much until all the necessary commitments are in place. I can say that the first pass at the final draft was finished up last week (2 weeks earlier than my original deadline!) and that everyone seems to be pleased. 
This makes me grin in a little warm creative glow. I’ve been told to expect news within the week and let’s hope that’s the case.

So, as the script has been put into a holding pattern while deals are struck, I’ve found myself with some time to work on my own stuff. 
It’s been so long since I had to work to an actual deadline I’d forgotten how much it can fire you up to write. I’m currently about half-way through a new SOJOURN story I’ve had in planning for a while. My hope is that I’ll have a good chunk of this week to work on it before I’m back on scripting duties.

This isn’t really news but I’m going to act like it is: E-cigarettes rock! They’re healthier, way cheaper, and you can use them indoors (Which is important when you live in the lands of perpetual winter!). I doubt I’ll full-out quit smoking real cigarettes any time soon but the amount I’ve cut down on them is really shocking.

For those of you keeping track (and let’s face it someone probably should) you’ll remember my mentioning having done a shoot with the ever so cool April Rose recently (The first image from which: “Nightmare of the Witch Queen” can be found a couple posts past)?

Well I’ve finally had some time to get a handful of those images together and they’re here for you now.

This was a fun shoot. We basically had no idea what we were going to do so April ransacked her wardrobe and we came up with ideas over bottles of Newcastle Brown Ale.

This first image was sort of a “Femme Fatale” vibe...

I’ve always loved the swing thing. The Rat Pack, Big Bands and skinny ties all the way Baby! So this image came together like a dream. (I think April would have made even Frank’s cool waver just a little with this one.)

The next couple need some explaining...if only of my motives.

So the other day I was talking with my buddy Tim from Mutagenic Studios ( ). We were discussing/ having a laugh about just how popular CTHULHU has become lately in pop culture. Some of it’s great, some of it’s funny and some of it...isn’t.

For better or worse the conversation stuck in my grey-bits and the following image, Old School Cthulhu, was the result...

Sorry. Couldn’t resist.

Of course I then realized that, perhaps, April wouldn’t want to be associated with the Elder Gods?

Maybe the implication that she was dating “He who shall not be Named” might not be appreciated?

What if she’s not such a fan of tentacles?

So with this in mind I went back to the “drawing board” and came up with this alternative.

So there you have it: Ass covered and day saved.

Drop a note to tell me what you think, share on Twitter, Facebook or wherever else like minded folk might go to see these.

I’m off to the Madhouse now to take tea with an Immortal and discuss the merits of a Robot Apocalypse. 

As you do.

‘Till next time...