Monday, February 25, 2013

Post Nouveau

Happy Monday all (or happy Whenever it is that you’re looking at this)!

It’s a busy time right now for me and, Magpie that I am, my attention’s been all over the place. Let me fill you in...

First and foremost I’m mired deep in screenplay. I still can’t say too much about this project just yet, as contracts and such are still being negotiated, but I can say that the producers of the picture just had a huge opening weekend on another film which should mean our financing is pretty much locked in.
So I’m hammering away at the script and, all and all, I’m pretty happy so far.

More Movie news coming (hopefully) soon.

As you know from the last Blog I shot with April Rose recently (more pics from that on the horizon) and last week we went out prop shopping so clearly even more to come.

Right after shooting with April I shot with, the far too nice to me, LAURA ROBINS.
Laura was one of the first Models (and yes, the capital “M” is well deserved) I shot with in Ottawa and we’ve been friends ever since. (Side note: Laura and I went to WINTERBREWED the other weekend. Outdoor beer “tasting” in -40 weather. Screw you winter! We’ll have fun in spite of you!)

This image is an older concept image I did for the story SOJOURN: GRIEF that everyone seemed to like.

Speaking of SOJOURN, that’s still moving along in the background. As much as is written though, that much more needs writing. I’m hoping that come late April I’ll be able to focus most of my time on that. My original hope was to start releasing SOJOURN works starting in may. While that’s still possible I don’t want to commit until I’m sure I can keep the production up and rolling.

But back to my latest shoot with Laura.
This shoot was an idea I had yoinks ago and we only recently got to it. I’m not posting for that concept this time rather something that emerged from that shoot.

 A little Art Nouveau style.

Laura’s a real pro when it comes to modeling and I’ve discovered that if I give her no instruction she sort of “Defaults” to classic poses, which inspired this image. I think she hates me a little when I do this to her but it always seems to work out.

Well, that’s it for this instalment of random gibberish from me. Time to brew up another tea and chisel away at the script some more.

Wish me luck, as I wish it to all of you.

Oh and SHARE this on your social networky places. All involved will thank you.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Nightmares and updates

Good intentions aside I haven’t found the time to post much in the last month or so. Can’t give many of the details  just now but I can tell you I’ve been working on a movie script and that the deadline was almost ludicrously short and, as always happens with these things, all the factors keep shifting and evolving.
But more about that in a later post.

‘Course that isn’t to say I was locked in a room 24/7. I did manage to have something of a life from time to time. Last weekend I went to Winterbrewed in downtown Ottawa. 
What is it about us Canadians that looks at a -30 weekend in mid February and say “We should have an outdoor beer festival”?

I also had a couple photo shoots recently. The first was with the always cool April Rose.

April and I have shot for the Rocket Belles and some Sojourn images. I also turned her into one of my Canada Day cards last year.

Usually if I set up a photo shoot it’s for a specific story or image idea. This time it was a complete free for all where we just had a laugh with as many different looks and styles as we could manage. There were props and multiple outfit changes and, of course, a big ol’ bottle of blood.

Below is the first of the images I’ve played with. Like the shoot it’s self there’s not a lot of per-planning about what I wanted to do, just that I wanted to play about with different techniques and styles I’ve picked up and see what plays out.

The basic idea came from a waking nightmare I had years ago that still freaks me out from time to time. I used some of the basic elements from that nightmare and make them more Anime /cute.

I’ve called it: Nightmare of the Witch Queen.

Hope you like it.

Drop a note to tell me what you think, share it on Twitter, Facebook or wherever else like minded folk might get to see it.